Write to Russ

Hello, Russ! Why do people send scam messages?? It's just a waste of time to try to scam someone isn't it???
Hello, Zara! The reason why people send scam messages is that, unfortunately, they do sometimes work. Many people are tricked by scams every year. That's why experts say it's important for folks to protect themselves by knowing how to spot fake messages.
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ. My name is Gureet. Do you know if iguanas live in NY? Thank you. Have a good day.
It's nice to meet you, Gureet! Iguanas do NOT usually live in New York. The lizards prefer warm, tropical areas. Those include parts of Mexico, Central America, and South America. 🦎
Russell Kahn
Hi again Russ. Last time you said I should find a cool story from Nebraska, and I did. Monowi, Nebraska, is the smallest city with only one person! Isn’t that crazy! Could you write about Monowi? From,
Wow! That is very interesting! I will reach out to the resident of Monowi, Nebraska. And I will try to write a story about her! Thanks so much for sharing your story idea, Harris.
Russell Kahn
My name is Emmett. How old is Kermit the Frog?
That's an interesting question, Emmett! Kermit the Frog first appeared on a show called "Sam and Friends" on May 9, 1955. That means he is 69 years old. Jim Henson created the character.
Russell Kahn
Hey, Russ. How you doing? The news today was very interesting.
Hey, Lucia. I'm doing well. Thank you for asking! And I agree, the news is very interesting! What kind of news do you like to read about most?
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ. My name is Nick. What jobs would be best for me? I like to climb.
That's a great question, Nick! It's never too early to think about what jobs you'd like to do! There are two News-O-Matic articles that you could check out! One is "Real Jobs: Firefighter." The other is "Earth Jobs: Arborist." Climbing is a very important skill for both of those jobs --- but there are still many, many more! Keep searching until you find one that feels just right for you!
Russell Kahn
Hi, my name is Isabella! Could you make an article about Saint Patrick's Day?
I think you'll be happy to hear that we do have an article about Saint Patrick's Day, Isabella! Hannah just wrote it. It's called "Global Celebrations for Saint Patrick's Day." ☘️
Russell Kahn
Hi Russ I like Greek myths A LOT. Please make more articles. I’m sad that we don’t have a lot of those ):
I hear you loud and clear, Richard. Thanks for telling me how much you love stories about myths. It can be hard to find those types of articles in the news, but I will keep looking for you!
Russell Kahn
Hiii Russ. My name is Jennah, and lately I have been obsessed with Hello Kitty. Do you have any articles to recommend for me?
Yes, I do recommend an article, Jennah! At the end of 2024 we wrote a story for the 50th anniversary of Hello Kitty. It is called "Happy 50, Hello Kitty!"
Russell Kahn
Hey, Russ, it is Harper again. What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book? Mine is "Cat in the Hat." Love,
Good question, Harper! I love a lot of Dr. Seuss's books. But my favorite would have to be "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" It was one of the last books he ever wrote. And it's got a beautiful message!
Russell Kahn
Hello, Mr. Russ, I am Anthony. I'm wondering how one would become a kid critic for movies.
Hello, Anthony. You can have a parent or trusted adult help you contact the Kids First! Film Critic group. They have some options to become an official kid critic. But you can also just become a kid critic by writing your own reviews of movies! Try writing about what you liked and didn't like as much after watching a movie.
Russell Kahn
Hey, Russ. I really want to know how pi day was created. From,
Hey, Brendy! Scientist Larry Shaw created the first pi day celebration in 1988. The celebration was held a science museum called the San Francisco Exploratorium. 🥧
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ! My name is Ashanti. Do you know why the Moon change phases?
Hi, Ashanti. The Moon has phases because it is in orbit around the Earth in space. As the Moon moves around the Earth, different parts of it are lit by the sun's light. Other times, the position of the Earth between the Sun and the Moon blocks the light and causes a shadow. 🌕🌗🌑
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ! My name is Brinley! Can you make an article about bullying?
Hi, Brinley! I wrote an article last year for National Bullying Prevention Month. Dr. Raychelle Lohmann is a counselor. She shared some helpful tips about how to handle bullying situations. You can read them in the article "A Time to End Bullying." We'll definitely have more stories about this important topic in the future. Thanks for asking!
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ. I have a new idea. You should write an article about endangered animals. Love,
Hi, Piper. Thanks for your great suggestion! There are many wildlife experts around the world working to protect Earth's endangered animals. One recent article we did was about pangolins! If you haven't seen it, check out "Protecting Pangolins with Science!" by Ryan Cramer. 📖
Russell Kahn
RUSS, you neeeEEEEEEEEEED TO write an article about Wisconsin. YA GOT THAT?
We've got you covered, Rafi! Diana Richard recently wrote an article about a very cheesy contest in Wisconsin! The story is called "Choosing America’s Top Cheese!" However, we're ALWAYS looking for more big stories for our yearly "50 States in 50 Weeks" series. If you ever have any Wisconsin-related story ideas, I'd love to hear about them! ✍️
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ. Do you like the bald eagles Jackie and Shadow?
Hi, Bradley. I do like those bald eagles living in Big Bear Valley in California! Did you hear that all three of their eggs have hatched? The most recent baby hatched on March 8! 🦅
Russell Kahn
Russ, I finished reading "Should school start later?" I agree, school should start later because we NEED MORE SLEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Rocio! Your reason makes sense to me. Who wouldn't enjoy more sleep?! 😴
Russell Kahn
Russ, I love learning stuff over the week like "Big Business at the Toy Fair!" It is so cool that you know this stuff. I can't wait to learn more tomorrow. Love,
I'm so happy that you love learning on News-O-Matic during the week, Adelaide! There is so much that I don't know. But the authors here learn new things all the time, just like you! I research topics, people, and events every day so I can help readers like you learn too.
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ! My name is Tatum. Thank you for helping me learn SO much!
My pleasure, Tatum! Thank YOU for reading News-O-Matic!
Russell Kahn

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