Write to Russ

Hi, Russ my name is Lily. I want to know everything about News-O-Matic. It looks really fun. So what really is there, because I want to do every thing. So when you get the chance let me know please.
Hi, Lily! News-O-Matic IS really fun!! You can read all kinds of articles by clicking on stories that are interesting to you. Then, you can watch the video, explore the map, answer questions, and look at pictures attached to each article. You can also search for topics you're interested in, draw pictures in the News Room, or play games! Have fun! ๐Ÿ˜
Russell Kahn
Russ, are you the founder of News-O-Matic?
Marc-Henri Magdelenat from France and Lillian Holtzclaw Stern from Brazil founded News-O-Matic in 2012. I became the editor, and we built News-O-Matic together!
Russell Kahn
Hola, Russ! I love Wacky Week on News-O-Matic. I love to read them! Every week when it's Wacky Week I have to read them. This week I read the one about the dogs and the dog airlines. That's really cool! Could you do more about pets please? Thank you so much, Russ!! Have a phenomenal day!
Hola! Thanks so much for writing in! I'm very happy that you enjoy reading the Wacky Week articles so much. We will definitely keep writing about pets. (There's a pet story coming soon in News-O-Matic!) I hope you have a great day too!! ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฑ
Russell Kahn
Whatโ€™s up! Can you write more articles about soccer โšฝ๏ธ and Messi? Soccer is mostly a boy thing, but I still love it!
What's going on, Lucia! I love to write about soccer! So, I promise there will be more news about it in the future. Also, check out this week's Numbers in the News article to hear a little about Messi. I'm glad that you love soccer; I think anyone can enjoy it! โšฝ๏ธ
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ. I wanted to know, how do you pick the pictures of the day?
Hi, Maddie! Each day so many readers send drawings into the News Room. There's no way I could share all of them! So, I look through them and I try to pick drawings that connect with recent News-O-Matic articles!
Russell Kahn
Hey, Russ. I just want to ask, do you write all the articles we read?
Hey, Ann! No, I don't write every article on News-O-Matic! There is a whole team of people who work together to create each edition. The group who writes the most articles is made up of me, Ashley, Ryan, Tyler, Hannah, and Diana!
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ. When did News-O-Matic start?
Hi, Annabelle! News-O-Matic shared our first edition on November 12, 2012! You can hear about that first edition and more in the article "The Story of News-O-Matic."
Russell Kahn
Hey, Russ. Could you please start working on some articles about airplanes?
Hey, Ethan. News-O-Matic has lots of articles about airplanes. Have you tried searching for them? Also, do you know about any important airplane news right now? I'll keep an eye out for any big stories about airplanes! โœˆ๏ธ
Russell Kahn
Hello! I am in summer break right now. It has been a fun summer so far. Please write back!
Hello, Arushi! I'm glad to hear you're having a fun summer. Thanks for checking in with News-O-Matic! Did you hear that we'll be sharing stories about fun topics like the Olympics all summer? You'll have to keep coming back!
Russell Kahn
Russ, can you give me the latest update on News-O-Matic? 'Cause I really really really want to know what's going to come up next next week. But still, I am probably going to go to library. And I hope you put on something nice.
Garrison, I'm glad you're so excited about News-O-Matic! Next week you can keep an eye out for stories about big sports competitions, wild animals, scientific discoveries, and politics!
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ Iโ€™m Zariah. I LOVE News-O-Matic. It is so fun.
Hi, Zariah! I am so happy that you love News-O-Matic!! What are your favorite things to read here?
Russell Kahn
What is a narrator?
A narrator is a person who tells a story. A song or a written story can have a narrator. If someone reads a story out-loud or tells a story in-person they might also be called a narrator.
Russell Kahn
Hey, Russ. My name is Finn, and I wanted to know if all types of Styrofoam were banned in New York. Thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚
Hey, Finn! In June 2024, Washington state banned single-use foam products. New York actually banned foam products in 2020! In that state, single-use food service containers made of foam like Styrofoam are banned. They also banned packing peanuts. You can read more about Washington's ban in the article "State Says: Forget the Foam."
Russell Kahn
Hi Russ. I loved the beat the heat article because we in upstate NY and just had a heat advisory. It was really hot and felt like 103 sometimes. But I drank a lot of water and stayed cool. Thanks for the article!!
I'm so glad you worked to stay safe during the heat, Stella. Be sure to stay cool this summer!
Russell Kahn
I love News-O-Matic! Can you write more about the Olympics please, because I love gymnastics! P.S. I love your articles!
I'm so happy you love News-O-Matic!! I promise you, there are so many Olympics articles coming. Make sure you keep checking back to read them!
Russell Kahn
Hi, Russ! I came here a few months ago but I stopped for a while. So nowโ€™s my second time here! Can you recommend some interesting news for me? Bye!
Welcome back to News-O-Matic, Zoey! I recommend finding stories that are about topics you enjoy most. Maybe it's space science or fashion or sports. Try typing in your favorite animals into our search, and then see what articles pop up!
Russell Kahn
Hey, Russ. News-O-Matic is so fun.
Hey, Sam. Thanks for sending your message. It is encouraging to me because everyone at News-O-Matic works hard to make it fun! What makes News-O-Matic fun to you?
Russell Kahn
Hey there Russ. I just read your article about how France and the U.S collaborated together and how American soldiers came to France and what happened in their journey and how France and America fought together. I also thought it was cool that you added that two students said things that they learned. I thought they had a good description on what they learned. Overall, I thought the whole entire article was very cool, and I learned a lot.
Isla P
That's great to hear, Isla! I also thought those two French students did a wonderful job of sharing their experience. I'm so happy to hear that you learned a lot from the article! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท
Russell Kahn
What is your job? Is it to respond to kids' chats?! Make new articles? Work on News-O-Matic all the time? I know you don't get my notes all the time but thank you anyways! :)
My job involved ALL those tasks, Sandra! I work on News-O-Matic full time and always make new articles. But it's also so important that I respond to notes from readers like you. So, thank you for sending your message!
Russell Kahn
Dear Russ, we need NBA articles PLEASE.
Edmund, thank you for sharing what you'd like to see on News-O-Matic! I promise, an article about the NBA finals is coming VERY soon! ๐Ÿ€
Russell Kahn

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