How do I contact customer support?
You can email us at
When does News-O-Matic publish new editions?
New editions of News-O-Matic are posted each afternoon Monday through Friday at 5:00 P.M. ET.
Where can children read News-O-Matic?
News-O-Matic is now available for every device: computers, mobile phones, and tablets (iOS, Android, Kindle Fire) and Chromebooks.
Can children write comments on the articles?
To protect children from unwanted content, readers cannot comment on the articles directly. Children are encouraged to write comments, ask questions, and draw pictures from our News Room; those comments and drawings may be shared with readers.
Can children share articles with social media?
There is no direct social media access from the News-O-Matic application. We do not encourage our young readers to use social media sites.
Can children save articles?
Yes, children can save articles to their personal accounts.
How can I find past editions?
Scroll down from the front page to access the 10 past editions.
Why do you need location services enabled?
Every article links to a world map that connects the story with the reader. The personalized information on the page will pinpoint your child's location and show how far he or she is from the story.
How do I enable location services?
When you first open a map page, the app will ask you to enable location services. Here you will have the choice to accept or decline enabling location services.
What happens if I switch devices?
Once you are a registered user (Teacher or Student), you can switch devices. Just log in with your username and password.
What do I do if I cannot download the content of News-O-Matic at school?
Email the following text to your school's IT department:
"To the attention of the IT department. News-O-Matic is a daily news application that needs to connect to its domain in order to retrieve the latest news. Please open port 80 outbound for the domain for all internal IP addresses.
Thank you very much for your help. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact News-O-Matic at"
Version WEB EDU 1.0; last updated October 2015